I've been coaching youth mountain biking since 2021. It's been very rewarding, particularly since both my child and several of her friends she's had since she was a toddler also participate. After one of our races, we had a rider come in dead last. She was pretty distraught, had a bad race, and was crying. I didn't know what to do, so I patted her on the back and said "good job, you'll get 'em next time". It felt hollow and I know she thought I was full of it. It was at that point I decided to find some way to communicate with the kids to help them set goals that are realistic and offer an individual level-set. That way, if you have a good race or a bad race you can look back at your individual chosen goals and see why things went well or went poorly.
Feel free to use this philosophy, just cite me (or those I've cited when I've borrowed from others).
This philosophy is designed to give everyone, from the
riders who are hyper-dominant to the first-timers, proper expectations and
goals for themselves, teammates, and their community.
We want every participant to have expectations, goals, and
stretch goals. That way, even if they don’t do well relative to their age
group, they can still compare what they did with what their goals were and
hopefully have a sense of accomplishment or at least see a path to improvement
and a reason for their poor performance.
At every practice, race, or when we’re on our bike we will
have 5 points that we’re going to check in on. We’ll have expectations of
ourselves for each point. On race day, we’ll have a 6th set of expectations
that will include goals and stretch goals.
5 points for every ride: FEATS
F - Focus
E - Energy
A - Attitude
T - Technique
S - Strategy
We want you to focus your thoughts on the task at hand. We
don’t want your mind wandering, don’t let small talk or nervousness distract
you from your FEATS and EGGS (below). Take deep breaths, focus on the task at hand, and
visualize the obstacles, crux moves, the course, and the race.
Maximize the energy you have every ride. Don’t waste energy accelerating when not necessary (mitigate with proper cornering/breaking technique). Did you sleep well? Did you eat ~2 hours before the ride? Do you have proper snacks for 2+, 3+, 4+ hours, etc. (eat 2 hrs before the ride, 2 hrs into the ride, and every hour thereafter)?
On race day you’ll have a special kind
of energy to harness - nervous energy. Everyone has nervous energy before a
race, it means you care about the outcome - it’s a good thing. Use focus
techniques to prevent the butterflies from making off with the energy you’ll
need to meet your race day expectations, goals, and stretch goals. The best way
to address nervous energy is to take deep breaths and ask yourself if there is
anything you can change to affect the race right now. The answer will almost
always be no, and as you move closer to your start time the answer will be more
and more likely to be no. By the time you’re lining up, you won’t have anything
to be nervous about - there will be nothing you can do other than concentrate
on your strategy and review your techniques as they apply to the particular
race you’re doing (flat corners, technical ups/drops, punchy climbs, technical
descents, berms, jumps, etc.).
There are 3 types of attitudes you will need to be cognizant
of: attitude towards yourself, attitude towards your teammates, and your attitude towards the other participants.
Most importantly is your attitude towards yourself. Negative
self-talk is a killer. You must be kind to yourself, and treat yourself
with respect. If you fail on a climb, your internal dialogue might be "bad job,
me!" Instead of that, you might want to say “Your weight
wasn’t back far enough, try to keep your saddle in your chamois and give it
another try”. Instead of “I can’t do it,” try to think “I can’t do it yet”.
Attitude towards your teammates. Always keep in mind that
your teammates are the people who most understand what you’re going through.
They have the same coaches, the same practices, and the same love of the same
sport. Show your teammates love and respect. If you need some help,
encouragement or inspiration lean on them. If you see that they're having trouble, offer them support.
Attitude towards other participants. Note that even though
the other racers are your competition, they’re also, to an individual, your
people. These are bike people. These are folks who’ve made the personal
decision to invest in practicing, riding, and racing. As you grow up you’ll
find yourself continually in groups with the kids you’re meeting and competing
against. You’ll be in clubs, on race teams, approaching your HOA to get money
to build a pump track, or organizing a letter-writing campaign to petition the
city to open up a park to a new jump line. Trust me, these are your people so
treat them with an attitude that shows respect and care.
We will be teaching a lot of different techniques over the
course of the season. The 4Ls of cornering (Low, Look, Lean, Load), body/bike
separation, ready position, technical ledge ups, technical drops, ledge drops,
technical rock, race starts, and measured output to name a few. You’ll build
your technique quiver over the course of many seasons and you’ll want to review
your technique before and after a ride or race to see how you fared.
During the season you’ll find yourself reviewing different strategies
with your coaches and peers. You’ll find a way to formulate your own strategies
for practices and races from what you’re told, what you learn, and your own
experiences. Once you’ve concocted a strategy it’s best to try to stick to it
during the ride or race. Know, however, that about 10 different age-old adages
communicate that the first thing lost in any endeavor is the plan (the
best-laid plans of mice and men…). Some examples of strategies you can
create/tweak/perfect for yourself:
- Warm-up strategies
- Practice strategy
- Race day strategy
- Passing strategy
- Measured output strategy
Race day addition: EGgS
E - Expectation
G - Goal
S - Stretch Goal (or Season Goal)
The expectation is that you will finish every race you
start. Unless you are physically unable to finish the race, you finish the
race. If you find yourself walking and dragging a bicycle that’d better serve
as a boat anchor - you still finish the race and you drag that anchor across the line with you. That is the expectation we as
coaches have of you and it is the expectation we want you to have for yourself.
This is a goal you set for yourself that you will be very
happy with and it’s within the bounds of reason. I.E. - if you’ve only ever got
10th place before, a good goal might be 5th. 1st would be a good stretch goal,
but your goal might not be 1st unless you have reasons to pick it (increased
training, modified (proven) strategy, different participants/competition).
Stretch Goal
A stretch goal is a big goal, maybe a goal you have for
yourself for an entire season. Stretch goals should be hard to attain, and
might even seem impossible. A great stretch goal would be something like:
1st place
1st place by X:XX min. I.E. - your stretch goal is either
you win or you win by 30 seconds, 2 min, 5 min, etc.
FEATS was brought to my attention by Marty Christman and is
based on this video (swimming): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us6onnynhN4.
I made up EGgS (and it shows, lol)
Marty Christman and I made up the four Ls of cornering, kind of on the spot, at a Bulldogs practice in early 2022. Turns out that lots of other people have come up with Low, Look, Lean - so convergent evolution? ha
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